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  Preliminary wavelength-dispersive X-ray fluorescence experiments with 75.5 keV X-rays
[2004A0012-NXb-np] BL37XU
  Mn Site Observation using MnKb Spectra in MnZn-Ferrites prepared at low temperature
[2004A0013-NXb-np] BL40XU
  Kb Spectra of Spinel-Type Manganese Oxides: Site Observation
[2003B0306-NXb-np] BL40XU
  2003A (No.11)
  A feasibility study of quantitative evaluation of WD-TXRF analysis of natural water
[2003A0143-NS2-np] BL40XU
  2002B (No.10)
  Initial test for a compact Johansson XRF spectrometer (R=100mm)
[2002B0147-NM-np] BL40XU
  2002A (No.9)
  A compact Johansson spectrometer (R=100mm) for X-ray fluorescence
[2002A0424-NM-np] BL40XU
  2001B (No.8)
  Further Downsizing of Johansson X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer
[2001B0170-NM -np] BL40XU
  Preliminary Tests for Non-Scanning X-Ray Fluorescence Imaging
[2001B0172-NM -np] BL20XU
  2001A (No.7)
  Specular and non-specular X-ray reflection from W/B4C multilayers
[2001A0346-ND -np] BL39XU
  Chemical effects observed in Mn Kb fluorescence spectra 
[2001A0347-NS -np] BL40XU
  2000B (No.6)
  X-ray standing wave investigation of Ni/C multilayers
[2000B0301-ND -np] BL39XU
  Detection of extreme trace metals by means of a wavelength-dispersive total-reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometer
[2000B0302-NS -np] BL40XU
  2000A (No.5)
  Improvement in signal to background ratio for ultra trace analysis by total-reflection X-ray fluorescence: Reducing parasitic X-rays due to air-particulates in the experimental hutch 
[2000A0014-NS -np] BL39XU

Wavelength-dispersive X-ray fluorescence experiments with quasi-monochromatic high-flux X-ray photons 
[2000A0435-NS -np] BL40XU

  1999B (No.4)

Downsizing of X-ray fluorescence spectrometer for trace analysis 
[1999B0002-NS -np] BL39XU

  1999A (No.3)
  Detection of 10-14g order trace metals in a droplet
[1999A0015-CS -np] BL39XU
  X-ray fluorescence spectrometer for trace chemical characterization
[1999A0016-NM -np] BL39XU
  1998A (No.2)

Analysis of thin films by X-ray scattering at grazing incidence
[1998A0226-CM -np] BL39XU


Feasibility tests of Johansson-type X-ray fluorescence spectrometer 
[1998A0227-CM -np] BL39XU

  Detection of trace metals by X-ray fluorescence using total reflection
[1998A0228-CS -np] BL39XU
  1997B (No.1)
  Development of high energy resolution detectors for trace chemical characterization
[1997B0021-NM -np] BL39XU
  Chemical characterization of ultra trace metals in small liquid drop
[1997B0022-NM -np] BL39XU
  Analysis of thin films interfaces by X-ray fluorescence and scattering using total reflection
[1997B0023-NM -np] BL39XU