Miniworkshop on future X-ray detector technology

A miniworkshop on Pixel Array Detector: Status and Applications was held at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Tsukuba, Japan. The contributors were M.O.Lampert (Canberra-EURYSIS), H.Oyanagi (AIST), G.Foran (ASRP), S.Muto (NIFS), T.Satoh (JAERI), H.Takahashi (Univ of Tokyo), and M.Okubo (AIST). The requirements and solutions for pixel array detectors with high energy-resolution were discussed with particular emphasis on applications in X-ray spectrometry and plasma physics. The abstract booklet is available from Professor Hiroyuki Oyanagi, AIST, Phone: +81-29-8615072, Fax: +81-29-8615085,


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