7th Ewald Prize - P. Coppens

The international union of crystallography (IUCr) announced that Professor P. Coppens (Department of Chemistry, State University of New York at Buffalo, USA) has been awarded the seventh Ewald Prize for his contributions to developing the fields of electron density determination and the crystallography of molecular excited states, and for his contributions to the education and inspiration of young crystallographers as an enthusiastic teacher by participating in and organizing many courses and workshops. The Prize consists of a medal, a certificate, and an award of USD 30,000. The former recipients are Michael M. Woolfson (UK, 2002), G.N. Ramachandran (1999), M. G. Rossmann (USA, 1996), N. Kato (Japan, 1993), B.K. Vainshtein (Russia, 1990), J.M. Cowley (USA) and A.F. Moodie (Australia) in 1987.


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