Xradia 3D X-ray images key for University of Texas scan of famous fossil "Lucy"

Xradia, Inc., a developer and manufacturer of ultra-high-resolution 3D X-ray imaging systems, has announced that its scanner was used by researchers at The University of Texas at Austin in the examination of fossil Lucy, the world's most famous ancient human ancestor fossil that dates back 3.2 million years. The company's Xradia MicroXCTTM scanner, a 3D X-ray computed tomography system with sub-micron resolution, was used to scan selected pieces of the fossil, and the resulting data will assist in their studies to learn how Lucy's skeleton supported her movement and posture, and how it compares to modern humans and apes. Lucy is currently on loan from the Ethiopian Government and on tour in the U.S. as part of a world premiere exhibit organized by the Houston Museum of Natural Science. For further information, visit the web page, http://xradia.com


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