"What are X-rays?" exhibition at Kyoto University, Japan

Kyoto University Museum is staging a special exhibition called "What are X-rays?" from April 28 to August 29. For more than 100 years, X-rays have contributed significantly to many sciences and technologies including medicine, astronomy, archaeology and even forensic science. The exhibition presents a full history of X-rays and their wide variety of applications, as well the future outlook, in a comprehensive manner that is aimed at non-specialists. Some interesting X-ray images are displayed, such as scans of a 400-year-old picture of so-called hidden Christians (who continued to practice Christianity in secret despite suppression by the government of Japan at that time) and the mummy of a bird (Crested Ibis) from ancient Egypt. During this special event, 4 lectures will be given. The museum's web page is http://www.museum.kyoto-u.ac.jp/index_e.htm


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