Previous Lab's Page (Until March 2020)

We are much interested in developing highly sophisiticated metrology with X-ray spectrometry and imaging using advanced light sources such as X-ray free electron lasers, energy-recovery linacs, and synchrotrons. Our research covers many scientific applications such as ultra trace elment analysis, chemical characterization (including time-dependence), surface/interface analysis and movie imaging of chemical composition and atomic-scale structures. One of our goals of such activities is contribution to energy, environment and safety problems. This lab joins in the doctoral program of Materials Science and Engineering, School of Pure and Applied Sciences, Tsukuba University (, and we accept master and PhD students, who are interested in working in the frontier of X-ray science.

Lab Members

Kenji Sakurai (Japan), Director/Group Leader, Professor at Tsukuba Unibersity, Adjunct Professor at Charles University in Prague, Czech To know more details about Kenji Sakurai and the lab's research, see Here

Jinxing Jiang (China), D3 student at Tsukuba University
Formation of ultrathin Liesegang patterns
Micro-imaging of buried layers and interfaces inultra thin films by Synchrotron X-ray reflectivity
X-ray reflectivity imager with 15 W power X-ray source

Wenyang Zhao (China), M2 student at Tsukuba University
Instrumentation of operand XRF realtime imaging system
Seeing diffusion in chemical garden by X-rays

Haruya Kobayashi (Japan), M1 student at Tsukuba University
Determination of chemical composition of buried layers and interfaces in multilayered thin films
Reference-free X-ray fluorescence analysis

Yuwei Liu (China), Research student at Tsukuba University
Operando X-ray reflectivity studies on thermo-responsive ultra thin polymer film
Fabrication and X-ray characterization of exotic 2D material system

Teerakorn Kongkaew (Thailand), Visiting student from Mahidol University at Bangkog, Thailand
Synthesis and precise X-ray characterization of FeCuO2

Megumi Iwamoto (Japan), Technical Staff
Nanotech CUPAL - Tutorial program for X-ray reflectivity

Naoka Nagamura (Japan), Researcher
Developing novel X-ray analytical methods and instruments indispensable for future materials science, particularly, to see dynamic changes in atomic-scale structures and chemical states through the use of advanced X-ray photon sources with high coherence and short pulse properties

Mari Mizusawa (Japan), Research Adviser (Senior researcher at J-PARC/MLF)
Development of neutron reflectivity imaging technique and the applications

Hiromi Eba (Japan), Research Adviser (Associate Professor at Tokyo City University)
Synthesis of materials absorbing radioactive Cesium in the environment

Photo as of 2015, Oct 2014, May 2014, 2013, 2012, 2010, 2009, 2008

List of previous members

Acceptance of Graduate Students from the World

We welcome anyone who is willing to participate in completedly new and original research, which can be done only in this laboratory. Are you interested in being involved in the cutting-edge science with X-ray free electron lasers, energy-recovery linacs, synchrotrons and pulsed spallation neutron sources?

General info on the admission to graduate school in Tsukuba University is available at the following page,

For master course, take an entrance exam for Applied Physics (2 days; the first day is for an achievement test, and the second day a 5min interview) either in February or in August.

For PhD course, take an entrance exam for Materials Science and Engineering (15 min oral presentation about your master thesis, and 15 min for questions and discussion) either in February or in August.

Successful stundents will be also employed as junior researchers in the National Institute for Materuals Science (see, the NIMS Graduate Research Assistantship). You may be also interested in Japanese Govermenment (Monbukagakusho) Scholorship, and also
Important dates (dues for contacting us): Middle May (for those who take August exam), and Middle October (for those who take February exam). Please prepare your CV, certicates from your school, as well as IELTS/TOEFL/TOEIC scores.    

International Internship

Do you like having experience in the laboratory in the research institute? I hope you would find how science is exiting. During internship, perhaps you may find sometning new which are not expected at all. This time, your main tools are X-rays. In the laboratory, you will learn about the fundamanetal X-ray physics and get experimental and analytical skills for X-ray techniques such as X-ray diffraction, X-ray reflectivity, X-ray fluorescence, and X-ray imaging. You will have your seminar twice to report your work to other people in the laboratory. This also must be a good experience for you. Conditions on the international Internship is here. The duration is 60-90 days. Our institute will pay all fees during your stay and will arrange accommodation for you.

Important dates Please contact us no later than Middle December. The final descision will come Early March. The internship will be 60-90 days in May, June, July and August.

Get X-Ray News Today!

In this Web page, you will be able to find many news articles (since 2005) on latest X-ray sciences. Sometimes they must be helpful for you as a good link to very new resources, which are not yet written in the published textbooks. Back issues can be downloaded as PDF files from here (X-ray news for 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006 and 2005).


Kenji Sakurai
National Institute for Materials Science, 1-2-1, Sengen, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0047 Japan
Phone +81-29-859-2821, Fax +81-29-859-2801


Note Your e-mail could be rejected if you use yahoo.* or gmail.* etc. In this case, please fax your e-mail address. Otherwise, just phone me. I can then validate your e-mail address I'm sorry about the inconvenience, but it is absolutely necessary for us to protect our system.

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